Employee Retirement Plans

A primary focus of our practice is serving the needs of employers with regards to their Employee Retirement Plans, including both Defined Contribution and Defined Benefit plans. Our primary objectives are to help you fulfill your fiduciary responsibility, while also improving the investment experience for your employees.


  • Help organize the investment committee
  • Assist trustee/committee with the selection of the plan providers/platform, if needed
  • Assist the trustee/committee in the review of the plan document, plan design, as well as updates on ERISA rules and other relevant legislation
  • Assist trustee/committee with their preparation and/or ongoing review of the investment policy statement (IPS) and governance documents (i.e., by-laws, etc.)
  • Track all plan expenses and fees, and benchmark them for reasonableness
  • Provide financial information to assist trustee/committee in the ongoing monitoring of plan investments (“Group Plan”)
  • Conduct periodic trustee/committee plan review meetings that include a review of plan cash flows, platform activity, use of services, and investment menu

In addition to providing consultation on the investment menu and spearheading work with investment committees, we pride ourselves on providing ongoing education for every participant in the 401(k) plans for which we serve as an advisor.

  • Conduct initial group employee introduction and enrollment meeting(s)
  • Conduct ongoing employee re-enrollment meetings, educational seminars, and market updates
  • Conduct one-on-one participant investment education/consultation meetings 

To do this, we typically leverage Stifel’s Wealth Planning Department to provide a complimentary financial plan for interested retirement plan participants.